All our teachers are internationally certified in Vienna, Austria.
Founder, Yoga-therapist.
For everything that I have already been able to learn, experience and accomplish and for everything that I have yet to learn, experience and accomplish – with my enormous respect and love – I offer the most profound gratitude to my dear Master - His Holiness Vishwaguru Mahamandaleshwar Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda.
I was born in Siberia, Russia (city of Tomsk) in June 1969. I spent around 20 years of my life in Siberia. The rest of my life, I lived in different countries, including Germany, USA, Croatia, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. I moved to Tbilisi, Georgia in late 2005. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Foreign Language Studies from Novosibirsk Pedagogical University, Russia and a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from the University of Georgia, USA.
I started practicing yoga in 2000 in Croatia. I tried several yoga styles that are popular in Europe and the USA, such as Power Yoga, Iyengar style and Shadow Yoga (by Shandor Remete). In 2004 in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, I discovered for myself the system, Yoga in Daily Life, by Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda. I have found everything in this system that I was striving for, including; ancient wisdom delivered in a simple and user-friendly format; a systematic and practical approach allowing a complete “yoga-dummy” through regular practice to reach the “profi” level; the possibility of profound spiritual development, which leads to Self-Realization; and most importantly, meeting my dear Master - His Holiness Paramhans Sri Swami Maheshwarananda, known as “Swamiji”. I went through the yoga initiation ceremony on July 7, 2005 in Hungary and was bestowed by Swamiji the spiritual name “Gyandevi”.
I commenced teaching yoga according to the system, Yoga in Daily Life, in Tbilisi in 2006. I passed a yoga examination and received the teacher’s certificate in Vienna, Austria. Since 2006, although I regularly taught yoga classes, I had never even dreamed of having a yoga-studio of my own. Now, I miraculously have the Yoga Cave and this web-site!
Yoga is my life and my path. I really want the Cave to bring joy to people and help them to discover themselves. Any and all questions that you might have about me and Yoga in Daily Life I will be happy to answer during my yoga classes – Please come visit!
📞5 99 02 57 55
✉ olyaramer@gmail.com
You can find something common and prosaic in all biographies - they start from “I was born”. And this one is no exception. I was born in 1980 in Tbilisi where I still live. I had, like everyone else, very happy childhood and quite happy, but a little more complicated period of my teens because these were the nineties, very difficult period for Georgia. But still I remember this part of my life like very nice and interesting. I went to school; I had good friends, hobbies. The period of higher education was more difficult comparing to my childhood and my school days due to some life problems and my attempts to realize my abilities. I tried myself in arts and theater, foreign languages and tutoring, economics and religion. As a result I graduated from The S.-S. Orbeliani Institute of Theology, Philosophy, History and Culture, I have a certificate in medicine from INER, The Institute of Natural Family Planning Italy – Georgia and one year in Tbilisi Business Academy.
I came to my first “Yoga in Daily Life” class in spring 2011 and the reason was more than usual –I had some problems with my health. I’d practiced some other yoga techniques before that by myself and I really thought I had a clue what yoga was. But from that first lesson with Olga Ramer I understood how strange my picture of yoga was and I also felt very deep and sincere admiration towards the ancient art and knowledge of yoga. And from that very day and by now yoga keeps on enchanting me and charming me, makes me curious and surprises me. I love it more and more. Yoga is a magic world in which you can find the answers to all you questions, where you can find the solutions for many your problems. Health? Yoga really helps. I have my own and my family experience on this subject. Self inquiry? Yes, of course, you can better understand who you are. Relationship between people? Your place in society? Yes, we can learn to hear each other, it’s not so difficult indeed. Faith, religion? Yes again. Yoga is above all the religions, but it helps you to understand your own faith better and deeper. As a Christian I realized this point very well.
I won’t be very original saying that the day I met my Guru Paramhans Swami Maheshwarananda was the most significant and important day not only on my yoga path but in my whole life. All the disciples can tell you the same thing and be sure they are completely sincere. What does it mean to meet a Guru? It’s an enormous luck which is given to a person by some unbelievable miraculous coincidence and I still can’t completely realize this. It’s very sacred and personal. It’s like a string of pearls where each and every pearl is some occasion, person, feeling and emotion. They are all on their places and in due time. Nothing is accidental in this little universe, in your life. And when you observe this string, you understand that its beauty has its roots in Guru, in His presence in your life. And you know, it’s a real challenge for European way of thinking.
The idea to teach yoga was spontaneous even for me. And I really didn’t expect that Olga Ramer, my yoga instructor and the guide in the miraculous world of yoga, will approve it from the very beginning. I’m very grateful that she believed in me and trusted me. The opportunity to tech yoga and to share your knowledge with other people gives you a chance to go deeper and deeper in this ancient art, ancient knowledge, called yoga, which has no time, space and borders.📞5 55 58 48 52
✉ anthea@list.ru
I was born in 1982. I graduated from Georgian Technical University in IT field. Then I studied in Italy for 1 year. Last 4.5 years I lived in Czech Republic where I came in touch with Yoga. Those years were full of practice, retreats, seminars and karma yoga at the Ashram. My life before Yoga and after is as different as night and day. 24 hours a day one is fully conscious of himself, life and the whole universe. Life is full of meaning. Yoga affects each second of my life in all possible ways. Every decision which I make considers Yogic principles, like truthfulness, non-violence, non-egoism etc. As for the health - never before I was so healthy and full of energy.I don't really remember when I got sick last time since I practice Yoga.
They say - practice makes one master. Day by day I'm finding something new in those techniques which I practice already several years. And especially when one teaches he gets totally new insight and understanding of those techniques. Knowledge is actually endless, as my Guru says. Talking about a Guru - I can definitely say that, for me at least, Guru is an ultimate answer to all questions. They say one gets self realization by realizing who is a Guru. I met my Guru in 2012 and from that very moment flow of life has changed. That year actually was quite prominent: my brother and my mother also became disciples. So we are a family of Yogis :)
In 2013 my brother and I traveled to India and attended the biggest spiritual gathering in the world - MahaKumbhaMela, together with our Guru and many other people, practitioners of YIDL system from all the corners of the world. That was life changing experience, full of Sadhus, Mantras, Chili and Indian smiling faces.
During my stay in Europe I was attending many seminars in Czech Republic, Austria and Spain led by our Guru or YIDL instructors. They were full of practice and wisdom about science of Yoga, its physical, mental, spiritual and social aspects. After a while an idea of becoming instructor awakened by itself in me. I've attended many YIDL instructor seminars and finally successfully passed an examination in Prague. And after some time another idea awakened - that probably the best place where I could be the most useful was Georgia, so I decided to return back to my homeland. With the help of some divine constellation :) I managed to convince directors of the company where I was working, to open a branch in Georgia, and that idea was successfully realized. And yes, even though my prime duty is to be a channel of my Guru's wisdom about science of Yoga - I have "normal" work, managing group of software developers, assisting our European partner companies with implementations.
I can tell about our system that it is a way to health, peace and harmony leading to the unity with oneself and with the whole universe. It is a way to self-realization. The system was founded in 1970, and nowadays it's spread all over the world. Every day in hundreds of yoga centers it's practiced by thousands of people.
I wish everyone to find peace and harmony in their hearts, to be successful in life and to realize their true self.
📞5 93 16 49 81
✉ vakho.jgharkava@gmail.com
It is complicated for me to elaborate on how "I came to Yoga" or "introduced to Yoga", since Yoga has become part of my life. Yoga surrounds me, and yoga is my thoughts, my actions and my words. I feel that Yoga has always been a major part of me, lived always inside me, and just as equally is shared by the outer world.
However, there is no use to pretend that if a few years ago (when this Eternal Yoga in me was still deeply sleeping) someone carelessly would have lifted a curtain above The Future and let me had a peek at myself today, I would be very much surprised.
No, I haven’t plaited flowers into my hair, or started walking barefoot, or wrapped up in sari. The name of the system that I practice “Yoga in Daily Life” is not by accident. We learn this precise art of being real Yogis and at the same time we are active socially, healthy physically and mentally.
I'm 26. I was brought up in Moscow, but once I came for vacation to my hometown Tbilisi, and didn't want to leave. I always loved music, art and literature, but followed my mathematically inclined mind and graduated the American University for Humanities with the degree in Business. Currently I work in the field of advertisement. Despite seemingly non-yogic type of my work, I came to believe that my profession has helped me to learn more about people and their wishes.
As to Yoga, majority of excellent Yogis that I know came to yoga initially to improve their health, but at the end found their Inner Self. I had not betrayed my nature and picked up alternative way. First I relieved of obsolete, then met a Guru, received Mantra, and only then came to my very first Yoga class. At the same time I should confess I didn't feel immediate overwhelming sensation. But with every next lesson I came closer to realization that I have found what I have longed for - My Way, Universal Remedy and Meaning.
Since then I managed to travel through wild Indian villages twice and fall in eternal love with them, dip into holy river during the Royal Bath at Kumbha Mela, attend Yoga teacher seminar and obtain international certificate, acquire a spiritual name Sarita, which helps and inspires me, all of a sudden, but completely consciously go through another initiation and start practicing the highest technique of our system – Kriya, which seemed a total myth and magic those five years ago.
To keep it simple, I love to observe the way Yoga is changing me, my body, my mind, and my attitude to the world around me. These changes are rapid, vivid, and involve all facets of my life. As a yoga instructor, I do not consider myself being a mentor to anybody. But it would be my joy to share with you the wisdom of my beloved Guru along with my own experience in Yoga.
📞5 99 46 95 32
✉ jekaterina.shavrygina@gmail.com
My name is Elina, and I was born in Tbilisi. I’m a trained economist and a freelancer. There was a period when I was dealing with back pain, which went away after I visited Olga Ramer’s yoga class in the fall of 2014. This experience shattered all my previous visions of yoga. I had to start it all over again, so I did. The self-enquiry meditation, which is a part of Yoga in Daily Life system, opened up new horizons and dimensions within my personality.
In the summer of 2017, I traveled to Europe to attend my first week-long retreat. It was there, in Strilky, that something made me want to try my hand at teaching yoga. Was it the atmosphere of love, closeness to my Guru, or the urge to work for the benefit of others, which I couldn’t have left behind as long as there were so many smiling karma yogis around me? Or was it a mere striving for a complete and happy life? Everything, I guess.
They say people who have met their Guru will never be the same. Even if they do face difficulties, they eventually find extraordinary pathways to joy and happiness. When the disciple is ready, the Guru appears. This readiness reveals itself and makes you want to opt for… health, happiness and devotion.
I discovered the joy of teaching yoga. As a yoga teacher, I continue to learn something new every day: teaching is learning, and that is definitely a fundamental truth! I’m always happy to gain new knowledge and experience; in fact, that is my biggest passion. I always try to attend training sessions or classes held by my colleagues or experts who deal in various self-awareness spheres.
Well, what else is there to say… There are wide open horizons in front of me! I know where I’m going, I want to teach and learn, I want to enjoy all colors of life and share it with others, because you can’t just keep it inside! It would be correct, I guess, to say that yoga awoke the life inside of me. Yoga has certainly served as a kind of tool, without which I could hardly have achieved all that. I’d advise everyone, and particularly myself, to never let go of this beautiful tool, which you have been so lucky to obtain!📞5 68 88 28 61
✉ elinak.1989@gmail.com
Instructor's Assistant
The first time I got on the mat at 37 years old, thanks to health problems, as is often the case. It all started from afar. My friends and I were watching the sunset on the seashore, and suddenly they suggested: “Let's go to yoga!” Maybe, the sun was setting too meditatively that time beyond the horizon. I did not lead: "This is without me. I run". I ran for about three years, and from time to time my knee, broken in childhood, was very painful. And the back. And my heart, but on the second lap I began to inhale prana and exhale pain, and thus reached the second breath. Some yoga techniques from random sources have been known to me since the age of twenty, but I understood that this knowledge was chaotic and that a system was needed. As always, everything happened by itself at the most necessary moment: six months after sunset I got to the “Yoga Cave” in the middle of the second level to Olga Ramer and the whole lesson tried to breathe not louder than the others and pretend that it was easy and simple for me too and even nice. For the whole of the following month, the most difficult thing was to keep quiet and restrain the emotions that are born with each movement and especially with stillness. After a year and a half, the thought struck me that my heart did not feel like a year and a half. And that system that I needed is here, and is called “Yoga in Daily life.” The knee was forgotten much earlier, but the back had to work out for another two years on the Olga course “Chakra-therapy”. But now I know the people who come to classes with knowledge and honestly promise them that yoga will help to understand at least my body.
I jokingly call the practice of yoga "pumping my inner elf", because we live in amazing times when there is a symbiosis of all the knowledge accumulated by mankind, when quantum physics explains ancient Vedic traditions, and when superpowers are transferred from the supernatural to the work accessible to all above your body, mind and soul. At the first seminar for me held in our “Cave”, our Master Swamiji gave me the mantra and the name of Bhakti-Devi (as usual, for a long time I could not understand why). I will never forget the expression on his face when he came up with this name. A vegetarian by that time I was already several years old, because The principle of Ahimsa was considered fundamental. Now, of course, I try to understand it more deeply, and that is what fascinates me in yoga as a whole - there is always more depth in it than is available to you at the moment. When you have the opportunity to cultivate and try to use this opportunity every day, on and off the rug, life is lived much more interesting and meaningful. For me, the discipline of yoga is a completely applied science, and thanks to the research of modern scientists this is confirmed more and more, so it can be said that yoga is just an instruction to humanity, no more, no less).
And one of the above-mentioned my friends became an instructor with me. Probably we had such an unconscious sankalpa at that sunset.
📞5 79 12 33 60
✉ soblackwhite@mail.ru